Wednesday, January 30, 2013

South Pacific dreaming

I have been so blessed all summer so far, with lovely weather back here in New Zealand and my parents here, but tis back to work tomorrow, while dreaming of lottery wins of course :) It has also been quite nice in some ways to be without technology- in this last week of the holidays we stayed by the beach in the Coromandel, where I had no internet, not much phone reception and only took film photos. 

Lucky as I am though, am still dreaming of my Rarotonga times, so many happy sunset walks with bare feet in bath-warm sea water.


  1. I can't even imagine how beautiful Rarotonga is! Right now, I think Cathedral Cove, Coromandel is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen :)
    I can't wait to see your film photos!

    Oh, and that iced coffee was from Supreme in Ponsonby.
    I'm starting on your list of recommended cafes-beginning with Kokako!
